Abraham: WAR, PETS AND ALIGNMENT – Esther & Jerry Hicks
September 10, 2023

Abraham: WAR, PETS AND ALIGNMENT – Esther & Jerry Hicks

Abraham – Non Physical Source Energy translated by Esther Hicks – responds to a veteran who is troubled about his war experiences, and is also distraught over the recent death of a beloved pet. In the course of the interaction, Abraham reveals not only how the two subjects are connected, but also uses the opportunity to illuminate the key roll that alignment plays in our well-being. Recorded during the Abraham-Hicks 2009 Mexican cruise,

Esther & Jerry Hicks are the authors of numerous books based on the Teachings of Abraham and their latest book, “Money and The Law of Attraction”, reached #1 on the New York Times bestseller list.

Esther explains that she is “translating blocks of thought” from “Non-Physical Source Energy” – which she also identifies as her “Inner Being” or “Soul” – and who refer to themselves in the plural as “Abraham” (no relation to the Biblical figure).

Esther doesn’t use the word “channeling” to describe her process, but understands if others do. For more information, please view our YouTube video entitled “Abraham Explains Who They Are”, or go to http://www.abraham-hicks.com and listen to the audio entitled “Introduction To Abraham”.

NOTE: To turn off and on video subtitles, click on UP arrow at the lower right hand corner of the video player then click on CC. To translate subtitles, mouse over the arrow to the left of the CC, select Translate Captions, and then scroll down to the language you prefer. YouTube currently offers more than 50 language options with more being added regularly.

Also, to watch this video in high quality and stereo, simply add “&fmt=18” to the end of the URL and refresh the page..
