Abraham Hicks – Guiding Children…
December 15, 2023

Abraham Hicks – Guiding Children…

Thanks Esther and Jerry for allowing us to share Abraham clips with the You Tube community!
You can view copyright guidelines on their YouTube channel … www.youtube.com/user/AbrahamHicks.
Workshop Audio & DVDs can be purchasedl directly from www.abraham-hicks.com.

The background visual was used by permission from www.stockfreeimages.com – they’re great – check them out!

This YouTube clip was put together by AbeClassics. My YouTube channel is http://www.youtube.com/user/AbeClassics.

I’ve included all the copyright info at the end of this video as well, so everyone knows all the required stuff 🙂

Have a wonderful day, full of FUN and APPRECIATION !!
