Abraham Hicks – Powerful energy rampage! SasM!X
March 9, 2024

Abraham Hicks – Powerful energy rampage! SasM!X

My dear friends and soul family ♥
This M!X is the best I´ve ever made…it feels not only tremendous meaningful to me, but so very powerful….I cried a lot as I was mixing and listening to it over and over again…
It now is perfect and words cannot be accurate enough to describe the way my mix makes me feel.
I am source energy…in a physical body…a world citizen…with a world view…and I can access the energy that creates worlds…I achieve my high flying disc easily and I cannot go back from who I now am! Nothing is clearer than that now…and I feel it profoundly! Thank you ♥

warm regards,
Loving Saskaya ♥

For more information about Abraham visit their website:

WORKSHOP: 2013-12-07 Phoenix, AZ
segment with speech only: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fkn3SSz5yVQ&feature=youtu.be

MUSIC: The Flashbulb – Undiscovered Colors
